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Best Advice for New Content Creators in 2024

content creator helpful tips Jul 25, 2024
 Best Advice for New Content Creators in 2024

Are you starting as a content creator in 2024? Here are the top 5 tips you need to succeed. I’m Aaron Young from 7 Figure Coaching, and I’ll share insights from my journey with my first channel, which grew into a 7-figure business. Let's explore these essential strategies.

 💸 Monetizing your YouTube content from day one here!


1. Create Question/Answer Based Content

Focusing on question/answer based content is a game-changer. This method involves:

  • Finding Common Questions: Use tools like TubeBuddy to discover popular questions in your niche.
  • Developing Targeted Videos: Create videos that answer these questions, providing valuable information and solutions.

This approach helps establish your authority and keeps your content relevant and engaging.

2. Use a Lead Magnet in Every Video

Incorporating a lead magnet into every video is crucial. A lead magnet could be:

  • Downloadable workbooks
  • eBooks
  • Step-by-step guides
  • Additional video training

Offering a lead magnet builds your email list, which is vital since 70% of YouTube views come from recommendations. While subscribers are important, focusing on growing your email list helps in the long run.


3. Be Patient with Sales

Don’t be discouraged if sales don’t happen immediately. Understand that:

  • Early Videos May Have Low Views: It’s normal for new channels to get few views initially.
  • Sales Take Time: It can take 1 to 5 months for viewers to make a purchase.

Stay consistent and focus on creating valuable content. For extra help with converting YouTube views into sales, download my 6-Figure Sales Funnel Guide.


4. Monitor Key Metrics (Opt-ins Over Views)

Instead of focusing solely on views and subscribers, track these crucial metrics:

  • Views to Opt-ins: Measure how many viewers sign up for your lead magnet. Aim for a 3-5% conversion rate. For every 100 views, target 3-5 opt-ins.
  • Opt-ins to Sales: Track the conversion rate from your email list to sales. Aim for a 3-5% conversion rate. For every 100 people on your list, aim for 3-5 sales per month.

These metrics will show how effectively your content is generating leads and sales.


5. Just Start

Perfection isn’t necessary—valuable content is. Focus on creating content that answers questions and solves problems. Improving your video and audio quality is important, but delivering valuable content is what will attract and retain your audience.

Starting as a content creator can be challenging, but these tips will help you navigate your journey. Consistency and delivering value are key to building a successful channel.