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The Best Way To Sell Online Courses

Mar 05, 2024

Do you want to know the best way to sell online courses? Let’s cut through the noise. Your YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook feeds are likely flooded with people hyping up their 'secret' formulas for selling courses or coaching.

But if these methods were truly effective, why aren’t they fostering active communities on YouTube and pouring their money into advertising? After all, what's the point of making a million dollars in course sales if it costs you nearly the same amount in advertising?

Here’s the truth: there is a secret to selling more courses, and it doesn’t involve following obscure links or downloading guides. I'll share it with you right now.

The secret to selling more courses is quite simple: share genuinely helpful, practical content that adds value to people's lives. Make it freely accessible on platforms like YouTube and offer additional training tools that initiate a coach-student relationship. No magic formulas or intricate ad structures—just a genuine desire to assist others because you love helping people.

This approach isn’t just theoretical; it's what propelled me to generate over $1 million in Kajabi sales within my first two years of launching my initial course.

Let’s break down these three secrets for selling more courses.

1. Share Super Helpful Practical Content:

   Many course creators overlook the importance of providing high-quality, practical content that genuinely helps people. While sales funnels and advertising campaigns matter, excellent content can compensate for any shortcomings in your marketing strategy. Perfecting your content quality should be your priority before focusing on perfecting sales funnels.

2. Make Content Free and Accessible on Platforms like YouTube:

   Contrary to popular belief, offering your content for free on platforms like YouTube is not detrimental to your business. Your audience can likely find similar information online, so your value lies in presenting it in a clear, structured manner. Successful course creators excel at simplifying complex information into easy-to-follow steps.

3. Offer Additional Training Tools to Initiate Relationships:

   Free downloadable tools serve as entry points for potential students. If they find value in these resources, they're more likely to invest in your courses or coaching programs. This approach fosters a coach-student relationship, building trust and credibility along the way.

In conclusion, selling online courses isn’t about gimmicks or secrets; it's about genuinely helping people and fostering meaningful relationships. By focusing on delivering value through your content and building trust with your audience, you'll see your course sales soar.