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How I Built a 7-Figure Brand with No Audience (And How You Can Too)

7-figure business personal brand building Oct 15, 2024
How I Built a 7-Figure Brand with No Audience (And How You Can Too)

Looking to build a successful online business but don’t have an audience? In this post, I’ll share the exact steps I used to create a 7-figure course and coaching brand from scratch—and how you can do it too.\


How I Built a 7-Figure Brand with No Audience

Is it possible to build a 7-figure business without an audience? Absolutely.

I built a 7-figure course and coaching brand in less than two years with no LinkedIn followers, no YouTube channel, and no email list. In this post, I’m going to share the 4 key steps that helped me grow my personal brand from zero to a thriving business.


Now, let’s dive into the strategies that turned my brand into a 7-figure success.

1. Focus on One Thing (Niche Down to Scale Up)

One of the biggest mistakes people make when starting out is trying to do too much. They believe casting a wide net will bring more opportunities. But the secret to fast growth is focusing on one thing—one niche, one solution, one area of expertise.

When I started, I had experience across the digital marketing landscape—social media, SEO, websites, you name it. But I decided to specialize in Google Ads and build my brand around that one topic. This laser focus helped me create the largest Google Ads-only YouTube channel, which eventually turned into a 7-figure business.

Here’s why this works: When you become the go-to expert in one specific area, people trust you more quickly. Even industry giants like Gary Vaynerchuk (wine), Alex Hormozi (gym ownership), and Graham Cochrane (audio mixing) started by niching down before expanding.

Find your focus, and dominate that niche first.


2. Create Answer-Based Content (Solve Problems to Build Trust)

Content is king, but not just any content—answer-based content is what accelerates growth.

When you’re building an audience, your primary goal should be to answer the questions your target audience is searching for. Focus on creating practical, problem-solving content that delivers immediate value. This type of content builds trust faster than anything else.

In the early days of my Google Ads channel, I focused on answering specific Google Ads-related questions. Interviews or broad discussions didn’t perform well at the start, but content that provided direct answers to people’s questions did. Over time, as my audience grew, I expanded my content, but the foundation was always answering specific queries.

If you’re not sure where to start, tools like Answer the Public can help you discover the questions people are asking in your niche. 


3. Build a Database, Not Just Followers (Your Email List Is Key)

One of the biggest traps new creators fall into is chasing vanity metrics—views, likes, subscribers. But while those numbers might look good, they don’t matter as much as your email list.

Your email list is your most valuable asset because it’s an audience you control. Unlike social media followers, who are at the mercy of ever-changing algorithms, your email subscribers are a direct line to your business.

To grow your list, you need to offer lead magnets—free resources like eBooks, checklists, or mini-courses that provide value in exchange for email sign-ups. The goal is to convert casual viewers into loyal subscribers who you can engage with directly.

Remember: subscribers > followers.


4. Sell Your Coaching & Courses (The Final Step to Monetization)

Finally, once you’ve built trust and provided value through your content, selling your coaching and courses becomes easy. The reason? You’ve already helped your audience with valuable content, so they trust you and are more likely to invest in what you offer.

Your sales process becomes smoother when people know you’ve solved their problems before. Whether it’s a course, a membership, or one-on-one coaching, selling becomes the last piece of the puzzle once your audience feels confident in your expertise.

👉🏻 Why Owning Your Audience is Essential for Building a Sustainable Business


Conclusion: How You Can Build a 7-Figure Brand

Building a 7-figure brand from scratch is possible—and it doesn’t require a massive audience to start. By focusing on one niche, creating valuable answer-based content, growing your email list, and offering products your audience trusts, you can scale quickly.