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What Taylor Swift Taught Me About Making Money Online

boost sales increase revenue online business Jul 24, 2024
What Taylor Swift Taught Me About Making Money Online

Love her or hate her, you have to agree that Taylor Swift is a marketing genius. In this blog post, I’m going to take you through how you can use her best strategy to make more money online—especially if you are a YouTube educator who sells courses, online communities, and coaching programs.


Leveraging Taylor Swift’s Marketing Genius for Your Online Business

As a dad to three teenage girls, it was bound to happen that at least one of them would become a Swiftie. One of my daughters, in particular, spends a significant portion of her pocket money on Taylor Swift merchandise. A discussion with her about this got me thinking about a brilliant strategy that we can all learn from to boost online sales.

👉🏻 Here is where you can build a high-value audience for your online business

My daughter especially loves buying Taylor’s records. It was the release of her “Midnights” album that caught my attention because my daughter wanted to buy the same record four times. Yes, you heard that right—the same record four times.

Why? Because it's not the same record. Let me explain…

Taylor released different versions of the “Midnights” album—each with unique cover art and colored vinyl. By purchasing all four versions, fans can assemble them to form a complete clock. This is brilliant because it’s the same album, same songs, just re-packaged in a different way.

So, let's break down the brilliance of this strategy and how you can apply it to your online business.


Increase Revenue by Letting Your Biggest Supporters Spend More

Growing your business revenue is not only about generating more clients and customers but also about giving your current customers more ways to consume your content.

In my first business, which teaches people how to use Google Ads, I offer:

  • Courses that sell for $599
  • Community membership for $99 a month
  • A coaching program that sells for $10,000

These are all the same strategies I share, derived from the same core content, but by formatting them in different ways, my biggest supporters can learn my strategies in different ways.


Maximize Profits with the 80/20 Rule

Many of you are aware of the 80/20 rule, where 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your customers. When you release different products, especially more expensive ones, don't worry if the vast majority of your audience isn't interested in them. These products are created for your top supporters who are eager to invest more.

For example, I recently released a five-month coaching program where I run a monthly private coaching session and a follow-up strategy review every month. This program costs over $10,000, but we had no problems filling it because we were constantly asked for this type of product. We saw an instant bump in revenue just by re-packing my current content and strategies into a different format.


Refresh Your Content: Make Old Things New Again

Returning to my daughter's obsession with getting multiple copies of the same album, I asked her if she would actually listen to the second record since it had the same songs. Her reply was, “Of course, because it will be different.” While the music is the same, the experience is different due to the unique packaging.

Last November, we re-packaged an old mini-course with a new name and re-offered it to my database. To my surprise, over a 30-day period, we sold over 250 units of this course, which was previously selling about 30 units a month.

Why? Because we re-packaged the content into a format that made it more appealing to our audience.


Implementing These Strategies

Whatever strategy you want to implement from today’s blog, for full effect, you will need a high-converting sales funnel.

Using Taylor Swift's marketing genius as inspiration, you can find innovative ways to re-package and re-purpose your content to maximize revenue. Your biggest supporters will appreciate the new opportunities to engage with your material, and you’ll be able to see significant growth in your online business.